

For building and craft sectors


Developed to potect wounds and withstand friction and water, they are also adatped to different body's areas (hands, arms, and feet). 
The Durastripe technology guarantees excellent adhesion performance (zone coated glue). 

The offer many other advantages: 

  • contain pain thanks to a combination of elastic fabric and absorbent compress
  • allow the natural healing process (Durastripe design) by respecting natural air flows around the wounds
  • excellent level of adhesion while respecting the skin 
  • protect the wounds from dust and other

Please contact us for more information

Made in France Fabricant français de pansements et patchs depuis 1926

Pour les professionnels Dédié exclusivement aux marchés BtoB

Production 100% intégrée Maîtrise de chaque étape : développement, formulation, enduction, découpe

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